mercredi 28 mars 2012

I'm going mini this week :)

Hi ladies, Today I've decided to re-release some mini's ,you can find them all at After5 Designs at a special price and if you leave me a little comment here on my blog 2 of you will have the chance to win them all :) And I would like to offer an additional 20% off coupon to you all available on my entire store available until April 4. Please use the code NLD20off I wish you a nice week end a little bit in advance Hugs

20 commentaires:

Люмика a dit…

all of the mini kits are exquisite! Thanks for the chance!

Yelina a dit…

woow ils sont merveilleux... je crois que je vais craquer :)

Dukuu a dit…

Wow!Amazing kits Peggy!!!Magnificent game of paints and plots! Thanks for chance to win such beauty!Big Hugs!

Abeille a dit…

Wooow!! Géniale!! Ils sont superbes!!

Jonyce a dit…

Super cute minis!!! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Molemina a dit…

wau.....wonderful mini kits! Thank you for the chance to win!

CapuzinoS a dit…

Wow! What kollichesvo beauty! For every taste and color! Thanks for the chance!

Tamara a dit…

Thanks a lot for this action and the coupon, I will be glad to participate in game. I wish you creative inspiration.

katkreations a dit…

your work is beyond stunning. you are an amazing artist and i thank you for sharing your talent with us.

Lee Davis a dit…

What an fantastic offer and your mini's are as spectacular as your full sized kits. The hard work and love you put into each and every one of your kits shines through. Thank you so much for the chance to win these amazing mini's.

Akzo a dit…

This is my chance! Thank you! I admire your ideas! kits are always bright and fabulous!!

lora80 a dit…

hello PEGGY!I am looking forward to see your next artwork.and i found a lot of;).GREAT! love all of what you are doing.CONGRATS! Wanna thank you for the chanse to win!!!

Novella a dit…

You're kits are so beautiful!

Anonyme a dit…

Hi! My name is Miranda Konieczny and I own
I was using the kits for my printable parties and was looking through and realized that one I had purchased awhile back was not Kristin's but yours!!! If you could email me at I'd love to get this taken care of. If I need to give you credit I will or if I need to pay you I will and if I need to do both I WILL! I plan on put a section on my site with a link to all the graphics I use and I will promise to put your link there as well! I just don't want you think I was stealing!!! Look forward to hearing from you!!!

anae a dit…

quel magnifique kit pour nos petits pirates. bravo et merci pour la chance. amicalement

Annick a dit…

Ces kits sont sublimes! j'adore leur douceur! Merci beaucoup pour ça.
Belles fêtes de Pâques!

Louloupistou a dit…

Mais ils sont trop supers ces minis kits! minis mais bien remplis!
Chacun a son propre univers! comme quoi le nombre ne fait pas la qualité!
Merci de nous offrir cette chance!!! Bisoussssssssssssssssss

anae a dit…

magnifique ce kit, bravo et merci pour la chance de le gagner.

anae a dit…

coucou, j'ai laissé un message pour gagner ton kit mais je ne le vois pas apparaître, est-ce normal ? j'espère que tu vas bien. ton kit est superbe et il serait parfait pour les photos de mes petits enfants qui se sont déguisés en pirate. encore bravo pour ton talent et merci pour ta générosité.

Hellodie a dit…

Ils sont tous plus beaux les uns que les autres : bravo pour ton talent !